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Amazon Wishlist Children's Library

Amazon Wishlist Lego Collection

Be sure to pick the Vision of Hope shipping address when purchasing from the wishlist.



Thank you to our Fund A Cure donors for helping fund a cure for type 1 diabetes. Donations $1,000 and greater will be recognized below. To make a donation to Fund a Cure, please click here.


The Beffort/Brigham Family

Let's create a world without type 1 diabetes!

In recognition of Taylor Schultz, the Schultz family supports JDRF in their mission to improve lives and cure type 1 diabetes.


The Kordonowy Family is hopeful JDRF will create a world without type 1 diabetes for the Kordonowy Cousins and all those living with the disease.

Fireplace Distributors of Nevada and D&D Overhead Door

in recognition of JDRF and the T1D community.

Mr. and Mrs. Scott and Michelle Christy
in recognition of Alli Christy


First Independent Bank - Reno
in recognition of JDRF and their mission to improve lives.


Grace Church Reno
in recognition of the Type 1 Community


Mr. and Mrs. Kreg and Linda Rowe
in recognition of Cameron Rowe